I'm sitting here staring as this screen thinking "What do I blog about?!" &¬hing is coming to my mind. I mean, woo! it's summer! Fanfrickentastic. But, so far, I have had very little enjoyment. The funnest thing I've done is go to the lake for like thirty minutes. Can I get a "BORING!!"? But there's gotta be something, right? So, I'm just going to vent about... Well, EVERYTHING!(:
Facebook. Oh the joy it brings to everyone. The obsession that we have with it is INSANE. We might as well put it in tubes&inject it into our arms with needles. I mean... it's THAT BAD! But hey, who can blame anyone. It's just ahmazing&&that's that.
Hair. Has anyone noticed the crazy things people do with that crap nowadays?! I mean you see people walking around with so many colors you think their hair is made of water&& the sun is hitting it just right so they have a rainbow on their heads! You can even get feather extensions! I mean this stuff is just so crazy&&everyone loves it. I'm even begging my mom to get feathers in my head! How can you not love this crap?!
Haters. HATE. End. Of. Story.
Best Friends. I love those guys. They get us through everyday&&love us no matter what. &&Let's just all go ahead&&admit that each&&every one of us are a HANDFUL!! So, thank those crazies for loving you.(:
Celebrities. Does anyone else ever think how much photoshop things go throught before they hit the public?! We never have any idea what they really look like! What if Lauren Conrad has a huge mole on her face?! That would break my heart.
Nick Cannon. Isn't he so fine? Mariah Carey is one lucky girl!:D
Junior High. My two years there were the best ever. I hated it, but I loved it. &&I can gaurantee for the first couple months of high school, I'm going to miss the cacaburs out of it!!
Summer. Ohhh man. Sunshine, sleeping in, &&swimming your butt off = heaven. I'm not missing school one bit!! Late nights, long days, hot guys. Yuh buddy. This is great.(:
Well, I have nothing else to write about. So, stay positive&&beautiful. XOXO♥